
Sara On Prop 8, For everyone who doesn't already know.

Now, let must just start this off with this, as I feel as if I need to clarify it...

Just because I am against Prop 8(pro Gay marriage) does NOT mean I am gay. Sorry, But I like Penis.

Ahem... Now that I got that over with, let me start by saying how disappointed I am with society, even more so than usual.

For you people who are for prop 8, I want you to think of what would happen if the best friend you ever had came out to you, could you honestly go up to them and say, "Sorry, But I don't think you should have the right to get married, I don't think you deserve the right that everyone on this planet should have. Therefor, denying this right to you implies that I think you are less of a human than I am"

And thats what voting yes on prop 8 is, the people who believe this honestly believe that Gay people are less human than straight people, just like long ago when we thought that only white men were human, and the rest of the world was just worthless scum.

Think of a gay person you know, don't they get sick just like we do, don't they think about things? Don't they get sad, happy, angry, excited, JUST LIKE US? Their hearts beat, blood runs through their veins, they move around, they need to sleep, drink, eat and breath to survive. These people are humans, and they laugh and learn and LOVE, and just because they love a different way than straight people doesn't mean they are inhuman. They are not on some lower spectrum than that of the straight people. And when I actually think about it, The straight people that I know are more of scum than the amazing and wonderful gay people that I know.

Many years ago we didn't think there should be interracial marriage, I feel like this is basically to the same extent. We're segregating people from human rights just because they choose to love someone different than the major population, This is just not right. But, we've come so far from where we were with civil rights for the blacks, and showing that prop 8 passed by such a small margin is a good sign. The youth of today is much more Liberal, they are encouraged to think for themselves, instead of mindlessly following their parents. Hopefully we can actually progress to the point where all people will be equal, though I highly doubt it, as I feel if it would be go to quote the song "Everyone's a little bit racist."

I have lost faith in a lot of people now, and a lot of people have earned my respect of the topic. Someone who I thought would never be against it turned out to be as much against it as I am, and I now respect him a great deal.

As my mother and I were talking about it, "This is something we just can't let go, we have to fight it, we can't remove these peoples rights, I think you're right Sara (referring to an earlier conversation we had that will be elaborated on.) marriage should be abolished entirely, everyone should just have civil partnerships," that way no one would rant about the religious connotations, and everyone could be truly equal in this sense.

The only way prop 8 should have been truly legitimate is that if we added clauses to it that if a person got divorced, they weren't allowed to remarry, and that only people of a Christian and Catholic background should be allowed to marry, that would be the only way to protect traditional marriage.

So basically what I'm trying to say, in rather blunt and rude words is: If you vote yes on 8, you're a complete and utter douchebag and I don't feel as if you deserve the right to be a human, if you feel as you're better than all these other perfectly nice and respectful citizens, and definitely don't deserve the right to vote, you filthy and pathetic scum.

-A very angry giving of Peace.

Quotes of the week from a while ago:
-Like A Bolt From The Blue! It's Time For The Reaper Review!

-The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer.

-Alice came to a fork in the road. "Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

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