
Vikings, Vampires, Vincents, Eyepatches, and The Mafia

Interesting List, no?

Well, These are common themes in the Manga/anime/movies I've been watching/reading.

I'll give examples of each

Vikings: Vinland-COMPLETELY about vikings, then random mentions of Norse gods and Valhalla and Valkyries, oh, and Thor popping up everywhere

Vampires: Vampire Hunter D, Vassalord, Krory from D. Grey-man and more.

Vincents: Vincent Valentine, Vincent Volaju, and Random Vincents scattered throughout all the things I watch (heh, even in WoW, random corpse named Vincent)

Eyepatches: I Swear, So many men with eyepatches, its kinda amazing

The Mafia: Either the main characters are in it, they're the main villain, or they're of some significance in a chapter of almost everything I've seen/read. Hell, one of my favorite Mangas revolves Completely around it.


Hermits, School, and Really Random Shit

So, School and Hermits will basically be combined into one topic

I'm almost 100% sure this school year will suck major balls, be pants on head retarded, be window licking retarded, fill me with the fiery rage of a thousand hemorrhaging tundercunts ( (c) my brother) ever since Registration happened

At least I have finally started to do my summer work. Though, I plan to do my reading while In Florida, I've started on my Art Projects. I hope Miller accepts 14X14 as a large project, if not, well... Fuck.

So if this school year goes as I have predicted then I'm taking up archery for a year, and going to go live in the forest, build my own house and become a damn hermit (this will probably have to take place in the east coast or Canada), or perhaps, like Kerwin suggested I'll travel the world, jumping on the back of trains and boats, becoming a very minor crime fighter (psh, don't care enough about people to save them, would more likely become a random jack of all trades worker for some money)

Also, really random shit shall take place this year. I've decided to try to get in good enough shape to do freerunning, we'll have to see how that turns out I guess.

Oh, and more news, Woody's an Aunt... weirdddddd.

Anddddd, I really should start writing that story thats been floating in my head for a year now, too bad I'll never get to it.


P.S. Why Does everyone think it's so strange that I like ABBA and saw Mamma Mia? Is it that odd? Guess so...


I HATE our Adminstration

The title pretty much describes what I wanna say

Dealing with 4 of our 6 classes being messed up and basically being called too retarded to take the math class I need isn't pleasant.

Basically this reinstates my feeling of hating people. I think I'll just become a hermit.

I think that means I'll have to hunt my own food. Perhaps I should take up archery (actually, that sounds awesome. I'll talk to my mom about it.)

ANYway, thanks everyone who helped cheer me up today, special thanks to Nikki for the brownies

-Later, Sara


A Random Question

Not much to this post, other than realizing I haven't posted since last month (oops) and posing a question.

Did you notice that no one ever says something tastes beautiful? Can Beauty only be something someone sees? What about taste, touch, smell (I'm sure someone has said something smells beautiful before) or hearing...? Think of something that you think is beautiful in a different sense and get back to me, would be fun to think about.

-Peace, I'll post more when its not 1:32 in the morning, Jetskiing wore me out.