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Well, theres been a lot going on, a lot of things to do, a lot of people to see... Ani-magic(autumn Dream now), school, reading a lot, and then club meetings. So I haven't got the time or the real thought process to post much, But as I'm playing The world ends with you I wanna post this quote.

To right the countless wrongs of our day, we shine the light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise. What a wonderful world such would be...


Also, should update my quotes of the week, heh, Will do that next post


Zetta GRR, Reaper Wings are Complicated

So, basically this is just so I can store the pictures and log of my progress on my Wings. They're bugging me right now. been working on them since 5.

yay for initial design, I had to make it myself, took me an hour and a half for my anal self to get it sort of alright...

Pattern traced onto my craft foam, took 5 pieces of 12x18 pieces for it to actually fit on there.

Cut out, So far so good!

Now! Heres where the hard part comes in... Getting the wings to be structurally sound, and this is the part thats PISSING ME OFF

My Current kitchen table

better view on the actual project, letting the shit dry. hope this works!



Hmm? Why, hello! This mic is zetta sexy!

Quote in title by Minamimoto. Pic Below.

Got that pic from 4chan, theres a link on the picture to the artist apparently, haven't gone there yet.

I've recently become obsessed with the World Ends With You again. So I've started to replay the game. Decided I was gonna get 100% completion this time. Hope I can do it.

I think what got me TWEWY crazed again was the fact that I plan on being a standard wall reaper (forgot the technical term) for ani-magic, as it is one of the easiest cosplays on the face of this planet, and the con is on Saturday. For those who don't know, I'm working at the con as Staff along with Woody and Grace.

I'm a bit sad I don't have the actual designs for the wings, and I'm gonna have to draw and recreate them myself, poogas. I'll probably post pictures of the wings once I finish them on here. Gonna be awesome and make them out of craft foam heh.

It's 12:13 and I'm not tired at all, dammit.

Also, nothing can truly express the deep and seething hatred I have for Twilight, but this comes pretty damn close.


Quotes of Last Week
"Even if this life didn't have any meaning
This world is a cultivation
of paranoia and ego
Instead of blooming a beautiful flower,
We just want to end it drastically
Someday, if you let go of this finger
and desire for the distant sky,
I'll kick your back and tell you laughingly,
"Hurry up and go". "

"While stating that it's 'for someone'
Everybody, for themselves,
-- live...
and die. "

"People don't want to be strong because they want to protect someone, It's because they don't want to die an unsightly death in front of their friends.


Well Kiddies, We're Growing Up.

Just think, We're in our Senior Year of high school, where we'll be finishing up our required learning, where we'll be having parties, going to graduation and ultimately leaving our friends that we spent the last few precious years of schooling getting to know and adore.

Think, Next year, we'll be legal (well, most of us), Able to vote, able to take care of ourselves, no longer needed to be tied to our families unless we want.

Then Theres the issue of college, now that is something to ponder... There are many things that can happen in college.
-You'll be away from your family in a dorm, never knowing the next time you'll see them again.
-You'll have a roommate, more than likely someone you have never met before, and theres always the chance this person will be your complete opposite.
-The more than likely chance that you'll have a job, having to balance your school life and your job so you'll be able to pay for your living.
-Classes, and in these classes a whole slew of new people, professors, and no attendance requirements.
-Then theres the people, people you'll have never met before staying in your classes, being an important part of your every day life. What will you do? Will you chose to make friends with these new people, will you go up and introduce yourself, or will you sit back in the class and let them come to you. Perhaps you will try to block off these new people.

and before these college issues, theres the issue of getting into college, to applying, and the dread that most people face, thinking that they'll never get into college, no college wants them, and if they do get into a college it'll one you don't want to go to, none of your friends will be there, as they'll be off doing better things with their lives than hanging out at a lowly college.

There will be fears, there will be tough times, but everyone will make through it, though that is a very optimistic way of thinking about it.

I guess all I'm trying to say is that, we're growing up, We're no longer going to be children, we'll be living, breathing, working(hopefully) adults. And we'll just see who will make it through.

-Peace, with 217 days left until I turn 18, how about you?

P.S. It's Strange... I have thousands of pictures in my picture folder, yet none would properly express my mood at the moment.


Quotes of the Week.

Well, Life has been hectic and I have no real free time until November. Grandparents are here, my weekends are full, I have too many tests, Senior year sucks, Life has been a bit crappy... ya know, But we'll all live and somehow make it through it I guess...

Here are the quotes of the week, as I haven't changed them in two.

"Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable."

"Fools and smoke love high places. "

"For instance, if this place was
at the bottom of the deep earth
I wouldn't have desired for the sun...
-- For instance
For instance if this place was at the bottom of the deep earth
I wouldn't have had to know about freedom nor loneliness."