
A camping we will go.

'Nother zombie dream. Happened when I was napping which was weird.

The first thing I remember happening is waking up in a chair in the middle of a camper and looking around to see 5 people sleeping on beds in the back, two people up front and another guy sleeping in a chair next to me. Also, My cat Wally was sitting in my lap, rather tame. I hopped up and asked what the status was from the two people in the front and apparently they hadn't seen anyone in a while as we were driving through the country in the middle of nowhere headed to less populated towns on the east coast, as the infection had started in the north west and we had heard it hadn't reached to the east coast yet and our driver knew someone who kept a pretty secure house.

I'll stop the explain the infection that seemed to work like this. The sign of the infected was very obvious, as the infected always went for the neck or hands, so people never trusted anybody that covered those two parts of the body, and those were the only signs of infection. For the most part the infected acted relatively normal, especially within the first few days of infection they could still hold conversation and plan, but as soon as they saw someone that was not infected they went on a rampage to kill them. This was especially horrible because that meant during the first few days of infection they would form packs and go hunting in them. They didn't truly lose their minds until about the 5-7 day of infection where they would spend most of their time searching, completely ignoring all other human needs.

Back to the present. We continued driving for another hour or two, though even then it was still around 3 AM so there was virtually no light out and we drove without headlights on, when the road started to narrow even more (as we were taking back roads) and all of the sudden we were blinded by lights and there were people in the road with guns wearing large jackets. We woke everybody up quickly, minus the one child (age 8-11 or so) with us and grabbed guns just in case while people started firing at us when we didn't slow down and they manged to get us pretty bad where we swerved off the road and tumbled down a hill and had to scramble out of the truck, while I grabbed Wally and one of the others grabbed the kid. We managed to make it pretty far from the camper when we found this cargo truck on the side of a road, a man sleeping in the passenger seat and we carefully approached, grabbing and pulling the man (dead with pills in his hand) out of the cab part of the truck then getting everybody else into the truck, which had a convenient hole to get directly back into the cargo area and we checked that out to make sure it was free of infected. We drove longer and got to a state (I believe... Georgia?) on the east coast when something happened abruptly and it was a mass chaos of guns and running and other people, infected and not, and I managed to get away with Wally following after me and the driver who knew the way to the safe house.

Time skipped here until we got to the safe house hours later while hijacking a normal car and the neighborhood was quite, as if it hadn't been touched by the infection which was a good sign as we took that as the infection hadn't gotten that far. We knocked on the door at the end of a cul-de-sac and got buzzed into this caged area where a few teenage guys were standing with guns pointed at us while another older guy walked in, saw our driver and the lack of marks we had on our hands and necks and let us in. He then gave us the tour around the insanely safe looking house and I let Wally have the free roam of the house while we talked of the situation in the garage (which was right next to the bathroom and across from the laundry room, where spongebob was playing on the tv) myself, one of the young girls who was at the house, the old man who's house it was, and the driver were outside checking around seeing what cars would be useful if all else failed and trying to move them too the garage when we heard crashes and I looked behind to see people running at us looking manic while the girl was still 10 feet behind and wouldn't run towards me. I tried to wait as long as I could but it was too late and the infected got her while I had to dive into a truck and lock the doors and hide from sight. It eventually calmed down and the driver came out of the house and knocked no the car door window, giving me the sign I could get back into the house, while now I had to step over hundreds of nails welded upwards in lines to get into the house (as the infected would just step on the nails and cripple themselves). We mourned the loss of the girl and I went to go change into some spare clothes from the lady of the house, who had been ill for over a year (not infected ill, just normal ill) and was up in the master bedroom. We then hear a knock on the door and someone begging for us to let them in and the door is opened and this guy in a large, mischlein man coat, walks into the cage area. Apparently this man was an evil man in general, having poisoned the house owner's wife and causing her to be ill, so the house owner told us to let him into the cage and we watched has he (pretty brutally) killed this infected guy.

Then I woke up.


Supernatural and Zombie-like people.

Just gonna get into this. I actually wasn't in this dream a lot.

It started with Sam walking up to Dean who was sitting on a wooden fence by the side of the road that was right next to the entrance of a forest. Sam asked Dean what he was doing there, because apparently they had been separated, and Dean told him that where he was was the location to meet up with Cas and I.

Sam then wakes up in the passenger seat of the Impala with Dean sleeping in the drivers seat and me stretched out napping in the back. We were by the side of a road a few miles away from a city in the middle of a desert and the sun was just about to start rising when Sam looks behind us and says "Oh shit" and wakes Dean and I up. Behind us was a jeep with four people who looked extremely sick in it (like, dripping noses and off colored skin), the four people then jumped out of the jeep and started 'running' (more like powerwalking) towards us. I then wanted to slap myself in the dream because I suggested that they might need help, but Dean just started driving off. I compared the sickness to a less violent croatoan virus.

This was apparently the very beginning of a mass infection, as then there were very many flashes of those four people infecting other people, then those people infecting more. There was one scene that really stuck out, which is where there was a sick person in a tree and it sneezed and the mucus got on a man in a open top double decker bus who then sneezed and a minute later the entire bus was sick and pulled over at the side of a road.

Apparently then I went missing as the next time I saw the boys was when Sam was in the garage of an abandoned house with a sweet old lady motherly type who doesn't get out often and therefore wasn't sick. Dean had gone out to get something and Sam was waiting for Dean to call so he could make a plan to get out of the house without letting the infected in for the lady, who was heavily stocked and could last a good long while in that house. He got the call, sent the lady back inside, and opened one of the three garage doors before barrel rolling out underneath it before it got too high and jumping into the car just as the infected started heading their way. Sam then remembered his dream (the one with Dean sitting by the road) and asked Dean if he knew any location similar to what he described in the dream. Apparently Dean knew just the place and headed that way when the dream flashed to Cas and I running heading through the forest to meet the boys at the location.

It was... Interesting to say the least



I've been watching too much Supernatural

Short, Random Dream. Also, Stars are starting to work their ways into my dreams because I've been having quite a few random ones about comic-con.

It started out with Dean, Sam, and I chilling in a hotel room at some giant ass resort that also had a waterpark. No idea why we were there or why I was with them, but whatever. Sam and I were looking for new hunts in newspapers while Dean was peaking out the window at girls in swimsuits and trying to talk us into staying a night there, which we eventually decided to because it was already getting rather late in the day.

We then segued into a conversation about a live action Johnny Bravo Movie, where we couldn't remember who the actor was who was going to play Johnny, so I went on a mission to this little directory/information area where I got directed to these two guys who looked like the random FBI guys that show up twice in the first season of Leverage (sorry for all who don't watch Leverage). The guys then looked at me odd for my question and typed something into the computer, made a very stupid joke, and handed me a piece of paper that had some obscure squiggly drawing on it. I just scoffed, rolled my eyes, and walked away.

When walking back to the room, I ran across Dean who was talking to a few girls and when he saw me he threw me the Impala keys and told me that the gas tank was running low and I should go get gas. At first I was stunned that he was letting me drive the impala, and then rolled my eyes because he didn't even ask, he demanded. I went to get gas and burgers anyway, driving past a billboard that said that Sean Penn was going to be Johnny Bravo (wat.)

When I got back to the hotel, it was late and the boys were both asleep and then there was a time skip to the morning where we were checking out and talking to the lady who owned the hotel, where apparently there had been a murder in a locked room last night with no evidence. Dean cheered, because apparently we had a case there while Sam booked another room and I looked at magazines.


Space - The Final Frontier

First dream I actually really remember since the last post. Other than the one that consisted of Woody, Dakota, and I driving up to Yosemite and Woody just relentlessly mocking Dakota the entire time. Though, there was more to that dream that I can't remember, one of those moments that makes you think "Yup, I'm dreaming". Even then, I don't remember too much of this dream.

The first thing I remember is being pushed and shoved into what looked like a crate that you would find on a dock (Or, for those people who have played Sonic Adventure Battle two, the crates that you can get to on Knuckle's Space level) with a bunch of other people, including Jeffery Dean Morgan and another famous guy (I wanna say Chris Evans, because I've been on a The Losers kick lately). where there was a bunch of screaming and crying until JDM yelled at everyone to be quiet so he could think, and I somehow managed to slow the passage of time for me because I was getting a headache and it made the noise go slower and for some reason softer. The other guy (who I'll just refer to as Chris Evans, cause It's easier) noticed something was off about me and went over to me and I snapped back to reality, and then the guys and I tried to make a plan to get out of the crate where no one would get hurt.

All we managed to do was find a significant crack in the back top corner that we could probably bust through with enough force and the guys who forced us into the crate opened up the doors and pointed guns at us and told us to move our asses. This is when we noticed that we were on a spaceship, there being windows in the hold for some reason. JDM then punched one of the guys in the face and took his gun while Evans snuck up on another guy and got him in a choke hold, turning it into a rather awkward double hostage situation. after a standoff (Baddies who actually cared about one of their teammates, who knew.) reinforcements for the baddies came and we got taken over, including JDM being shot in the arm and Evans being punched a few times.

We were eventually placed in this line, that looked suspiciously like the line to get on Riddler's Revenge at Magic Mountain, to be placed into what looked like a monorail to be ejected into space. In the line next to me, there was a young boy, couldn't be more than Ten or Eleven, who I noticed kept flickering like a TV with bad reception, so I slowed down everything around me and watched the kid move with super speed to the guards and steal their things. So when he was back to casual standing in between the stealing I started to chat with him, and had to communicate to JDM and Evans to come over to my line, which was closer to the front of the tram. We then came up with a plan for me and the Kid to use his powers to clear a path and then for me to use my powers around the other two to get to the front of the tram so we could try to hijack it before it took off, and reset the course to Earth, as it was currently headed to an uninhabitable planet farther off than Pluto.

I woke up then, not sure if we succeeded, still not sure why were were being shoved around and almost killed. It was strange.

I also had a like, 10 minute dream in the same night where I was at the movie theatre seeing an action movie and yelling at a guy to stop playing on his iPad the entire movie and a girl who kept getting phone calls, when suddenly the lights turn on and I hear "HOLY SHIT, It's Ross Perot!" and apparently Ross Perot and his apparent wife and Son were watching the movie. He made a speech.


Go go Spider-Sara

So, I had a dream that I was Spiderman(woman, whatever)

What was even more random was that I was at a college that was like, Half UCSD half AVC and I walked into this class that I was apparently taking that was taught by Normal Osborn, and I'm not being really inconspicuous (Cause like, I was wearing a spiderman hoodie...) and sat in the back with some friends that I've never seen before to talk about final fantasy before Proff. Osborn came up to me and asked me what I was doing in the back as apparently I was a genius student and had a permanent seat in the front. So after I escaped that class (and he wanted me to stay for the next class he taught which was math instead of robotics) I went and moved my car to the other side of campus and went to my History class taught by Cassidy, which apparently Norman Osborn was also in.



A Dream (With Zombies, but no Pegasus)

This Dream is kinda quick because I don't remember too much about it.

So it starts with this guy who reminds me of Steve Carell sitting in a small shop that is in what appears to be an outdoor mall. The shop has a back room, a bathroom and glass Windows. It's probably about two months into the zombie infestation based on the lack of a significant amount zombies and Steve's impartial attitude towards the fact that it's the middle of the day in an outlet mall and there is nobody around. Also, there is a Zombie/thing in the back room. I wouldn't really call it a Zombie because it was more sentient than the other Zombies but it (very obviously a Man, let's call him Josh) looked pretty banged up and Steve has had conversations with him about him having been bitten but not fully changed. This makes Josh a valuable Asset in the long run.

Josh, if wearing enough clothing, passes off as a human enough to go outside with Steve whenever they're searching for enough food, but Steve generally leaves him behind to hold the fort. Steve leaves off for a Grocery store that he has never been to as the previous one ran out of stock and there are stories that this store has been able to keep restocking even during the infestation. He gets there (coming across one or two zombies on the way, no big deal) and picks up some food while talking to the owner, when it seems like 30 or so zombies come out of nowhere and are by the front of the store. The store is pretty well protected so it's not too big of an issue but Steve wants to get home and the shop owner (random brunette lady) talks about how she has an underground tunnel to her house, which is closer to his shop thing and he thanks her before taking the tunnel and returning.

Pretty large time shift to where Steve hears about this party held by people who are pretty well known zombie slayers, but kinda douche bags and Steve doesn't approve of their methods so they're kinda enemies. Steve goes to the party and is talking to the son of the head of the group and the Son shows Steve his father's Van that has been turned into a weird type of mobile home with enough room for The father and Son. Shit goes down when the father comes out and sees that the son has shown Steve important shit and Steve takes his queue to leave, arriving back to his shop to see Josh taking care of some zombies and there being a hole in the shopfront window. After the zombie issue is done Steve just sighs and starts packing, talking about how they have to move /again/



A Dream (without Zombies, but has Pegasus to make up for it)

So I don't remember too much of the main concept other than the fact that almost every person in the world was trapped in their minds/imaginations. So it was generally viewed as a good thing if the person wasn't aware of what the hell was going on.

It started with these two Men (Let's call them Arthur and Merlin, because one was a warrior and the other was a Wizard. I've been watching that show too much.) meeting in a different person's mind (I don't know how they got there, but both of them ended up there). The imagination wasn't that exciting, it was essentially a medium sized city and no real intense shit was going on. The guys didn't know what to do and after the initial 'what the hell?' discussion went meandering around. People could acknowledge their presences but it wasn't like they were really there so they had to get information from listening in to conversations. Don't remember this part too well but they eventually found the owner of the imagination and before they got to speak to her(him? don't remember) there was a phase shift to another person's mind.

They eventually got through three or four different minds without being able to actually talk to the person who's mind it was before ending up in a forest where I was sitting and staring at a tree trying to figure out how to cut it down so I could make a bow and some arrows. They had a chat with me (which was a first for them and they tried to get as much information as they could) and Arthur helped me find some tools that would help me with the tree and then I directed them through the forest to this giant castle where everything was going on in the imagination, which was much more vast than the others that they had been to. They got to the castle, that had an amazing amount of white horses, and everyone acknowledged who they were and the lord and lady of the castle walked out to size them up. They eventually ended up giving Merlin a room and threw Arthur into a large caged tower in the center (well, it was like a solid brick tower but the door was a giant cage door) to take down this giant Yeti/elephant/stone creature to test his might. He took it down after a while but they left him in the tower thing and Merlin had to sneak around and scale the walls of the castle while avoiding guards that stood on top of the walls. He got pretty far and was standing just out of sight of a guard (a little above him and to the right, and since the guard thought he was higher than any infiltrator he’d never look up) preparing to cast some spell when he got clipped by an arrow from a guard on the ground who was directed by the lady of the castle. He got caught and the lord and lady let Arthur go as to have him watch them take Merlin to this underground cave area with a giant lake where there were more white horses that then shook and spread what looked like wings. Turns out they were Pegasus. The people of the castle/town area then made Merlin drink from the lake and it turns out that drinking from the lake turned him into a Pegasus. Pegasus!Merlin then followed Arthur around as he stayed in the forest around the castle so he could figure out how the heck to turn Merlin back.

I woke up before Merlin got turned back, they figured out who’s dream it was (It was probably mine, I’m always important in my dreams even if I’m not there too much) or if everyone was stuck staying in the imaginations (I imagine that if this scene was so different, it was probably around the starting point, so I might have been unintentionally evil).

So yeah, interesting dream. When they went through the first four or so dreams I kind of felt like the Benny hill song should be playing.



"The unreal is more powerful than the real, because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it. because its only intangible ideas, concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last. stone crumbles. wood rots. people, well, they die. but things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on."

"We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are."


Posting Again.

I love how whenever I look back on things I realize I'm a whiny Bitch.

Gonna turn this into a Dream log essentially, or when I see something really awesome (Like, How to Train your Dragon, which I saw today and was the cutest thing on the face of this planet.)

Also, this website is hilarious. Bad Translator

Been watching Stargate: SG-1, Balancing Videogames and Schoolwork. Might occasionally rant about those.


Some men aren't looking for anything logical like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.