
Huh, It's my 50th Blog

Didn't even realize that until I logged in. Ah well.

Well, I decided I wanted to write something, but I didn't know what. So I just kinda wrote and this is what came out:

“I mean really, Al. I just don’t think that a story about vampires who fend off a zombie invasion is appropriate for children between the ages three and seven.”

“How about Vikings then? The mysterious group from the north who travels south along rivers, using arrows to fend off the zombies and pick up any survivors. What small child wouldn’t want to be a Viking! Besides, you’re just the illustrator, what do you know?” Al tried again, he was a bit tired of writing about happiness and sunshine and little girls who lost their ways. When he was a small child he wanted to hear about heroes and adventure. Children stories really are directed more towards women.

“I’m more inclined to agree with Nero, It’s not about what the kids want to read, it’s about what the parents want their children to read. Just stick to the sole hero and damsel in distress types.” Jennifer, their editor and manager, lectured while pushing away from the table. This brainstorming session wasn’t going very well, “I know you just released a new story a month ago,” she accentuated this point by tossing said story on the table, “and your new one isn’t due for another few months, but could we at least agree on an idea today?”

Al looked at their story, this being the first time he’d seen the book in actual print, and laughed at the things he could pull out of his head. The cover of the children’s book read ‘Hubert the Porcupine’s Journey Home. Author: Alpha Paterson. Illustrator: Nero Conrad’ and had an interesting picture of an overly enthusiastic porcupine with bright orange baseball cap on it. Al stopped laughing and sneered, “Jennifer, I thought I told you not to put my full name on it.” He absolutely hated when people called him Alpha. His mother had it in her head that because his last name was so common, he needed a highly unusual first name. Sometimes he wondered about that woman.

Michelle suggests I go somewhere with this... I might, maybe, I have some plot in my head and I guess my mind will just kinda take me there.

I love the quote function for some reason. I'm also annoyed by the lack of indents in the blog.


This is solely for my own purpose. Needa remember the full names I chose.
Nero Vincent Conrad
Alpha Elliott Paterson


I'm Gonna be Conformist! And WeepingCock

So, everyone else is posting these meme things in their blogs, why not myself...

1. Do you trust Nikki?
Yes, More than anything....

2. Woody is actually Autumn in disguise, you know.
That's not a question, and I'd be amazed if Autumn could disguise herself as Woody... Woody's absolutely tiny... I think the only person who would be able to do that would be a female Dakota...

3. Is Michelle your best friend?
One of them :D She's amazing

4. Do you think Autumn is a virgin?
Interesting question... and Yes, Yes I do...

5. What if you found out that Caitlin was secretly an alien plotting to take over the world together with Woody?
Hmm, I personally think Caitlin and Woody would try to kill each other over who has the most power, or not team up at all... So I'd be really surprised.

6. If Grace and Woody were locked in the same (really small) room for longer than a day, what would most likely happen?
Honestly? I don't think much would happen, they'd probably be stir crazy but mostly talk about anime and such...

7. Who would be a better superhero sidekick between Paige and Autumn, and why?
Paige, She's more logical, could probably keep me from killing myself...

8. Super fun fun adventure amusement park marathon with you, Jew and Autumn! How will it go?
Absolutely amazing, also, that question was WAY to happy...

9. Who would be a better superhero sidekick between Vinny and Paige, and why?
This again? Vinny, because he has a Penis (sorry Paige)

10. What do you think about Canada?
One word: Epic

Now let's rant about Weeping Cock. which is a community on Livejournal... I have to say, it's one of the funniest communities that I've ever been on, but people would just have to check it out for themselves to understand...



Last Quotes:

"We don't practice polygamy, we practice serial monogamy."

"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little. "

"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic."

"Knowing you'll die someday gives you the courage to live your own life."

"Embrace nothing:
If you meet the Buddha, Kill the Buddha.
If you meet your father, kill your father.
Only live your life as it is,
Not bound to anything."


It appears this is going to be a month of quotes.

Next ACTUAL post I'll go ahead and change the quotes of the week, but I need to save this one.

Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings. To face ones own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea. You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place.

Feelings and memories... They exist only within my heart.Though we may pass the same time, or see the same sights, what we hold within our hearts can never be the same. your face, your voice, the image of you, which exists only within me... Who are you?

From Mononoke. Which is absolutely amazing


Sometimes I believe my dreams should be movies...

So I had another zombie dream last night, but this time it wasn't completely ridiculous

Note: most of this will be copypasta from MSN conversation.

It started out very randomly, a good portion of the circle and a girl from my anime club, and some other random people were just chillaxing, and suddenly a cop busts in and tell us to run, and so we start running and we come to this parking lot filled with buses, double decker buses, and we get into it, the cop driving (this cop is very hot, and very important.)

We're driving past and over zombies scattered on the road, but most are inside buildings and for some reason to get out of each building all the zombies in there are trying to press up against the left (their left,) sides of the glass walls, so we see their silhouettes, and I made the comment about how the zombies sure loved the left sides of things.

Then some thing happened and we were running running running though a field, some reason the bus toppled over or something and we come up to this huge mansion. we run into the mansion and see people running the other way (not a good thing) but for some reason I have hairspray and a match (that never goes out...), and am going first just in case, and we see these dudes with more contraptions kinda like what I have (they kinda look like those air blower computer cleaner things, but spit fire) and i traded mine with one of them, and we continued, with a few more of those fire torch things.

We get to the point where we're trapped against the wall just fighting the Zombies off with fire (we were separated from the cop a bit back) and suddenly the cop comes running to us from the side, and says he can help us get out of here, because its his mansion, (rich cop...) so we run past the zombies, unfortunately not all of us made it, (there were 5 of us, me, Grace, the cop, Issac and one other person that made it) and we start jumping over these wire tube things in the ground, and the cop lifts up one wire tube thing thats hanging from the ceiling to open this back door (that for some reason can't be closed again, but we went though a large bolted door earlier that we did close) and we got to this large, kinda greenhouse area that was filled with busses, cars, vans, police trucks and everything. There was a plane there but then there was an entire conversation about how its broken and wouldn't be much use and back story back story back story that i don't remember that revolved around when the cop was a kid (it kinda looked like the enterprise...)

so suddenly we hear this crackling buzzing things, and thats the wire tubing going off (mind you, this greenhouse is two stories, we're on the bottom of it, but we're still on like, the 2nd story of mansion) and the cop yells at us to get into this one cop car thats like, uber tricked out in bars and protection and we wonder why. well, apparently there are two entrances and the wire tubes were mouse traps, but the fact that they were going off meant the zombies got it, and sure enough, they were starting to pile down the stairs. so we got in, The cop driving, me in the middle back with Grace and Issac next to me, and the other random person in the passenger seat. The cop tells us to buckle up and prepare as we drive through the zombies and out into this outside parking garage type thing, he tells us that the car is made for this type of thing and drives off the roof of the parking garage onto the street onto the freeway.

we drive for a while to get to a place near the ocean, where the people seem ignorant of the zombies that are obviously approaching, and are preparing for a 'barbie speed boat ride' so as the zombies approach, we jump into the boat, along with some other people, unfortunately Grace and the other person get detained for some reason, so its just like, 5 random people, Issac, me and the cop (the three of us in the very back row of the very bright pink boat) and the zombies are approaching. We force them to take off as Issac and I get grabbed by zombies off the pier, I was got back first, followed by Issac. we go for about 20 minutes and i see that Issac looks a little off, and I think he got bit by the zombies as hes cut by his eye, so I tell him I'm sorry and push him off the boat.(by the way, this entire time, we'd been in Europe...) and we amazingly have enough gas to get all the way to the US, which isn't infected, though some of the ladies on the boat are convinced I'm infected (but I'm not, though part of my hair had been ripped out,) and it ends up that something strange happened to the speedboat and the cop and I got launched out, into the ocean(but still rather close to land) as the speedboat took out into the ocean, and blew up (apparently one of the OTHER ladies had been turned into a zombie, so the driver took off the sacrifice themselves so the US didn't get infected) and then I woke up with just the cop and I treading water.

You know, My dreams are always a bit weird, but why was Issac in my dream was the real question? Oh well



The Incredible Edible Anus!

Theres... Not much to say about this, just follow the link, and don't forget to click limited edition!



This is why 4chan is amazing


Sara On Prop 8, For everyone who doesn't already know.

Now, let must just start this off with this, as I feel as if I need to clarify it...

Just because I am against Prop 8(pro Gay marriage) does NOT mean I am gay. Sorry, But I like Penis.

Ahem... Now that I got that over with, let me start by saying how disappointed I am with society, even more so than usual.

For you people who are for prop 8, I want you to think of what would happen if the best friend you ever had came out to you, could you honestly go up to them and say, "Sorry, But I don't think you should have the right to get married, I don't think you deserve the right that everyone on this planet should have. Therefor, denying this right to you implies that I think you are less of a human than I am"

And thats what voting yes on prop 8 is, the people who believe this honestly believe that Gay people are less human than straight people, just like long ago when we thought that only white men were human, and the rest of the world was just worthless scum.

Think of a gay person you know, don't they get sick just like we do, don't they think about things? Don't they get sad, happy, angry, excited, JUST LIKE US? Their hearts beat, blood runs through their veins, they move around, they need to sleep, drink, eat and breath to survive. These people are humans, and they laugh and learn and LOVE, and just because they love a different way than straight people doesn't mean they are inhuman. They are not on some lower spectrum than that of the straight people. And when I actually think about it, The straight people that I know are more of scum than the amazing and wonderful gay people that I know.

Many years ago we didn't think there should be interracial marriage, I feel like this is basically to the same extent. We're segregating people from human rights just because they choose to love someone different than the major population, This is just not right. But, we've come so far from where we were with civil rights for the blacks, and showing that prop 8 passed by such a small margin is a good sign. The youth of today is much more Liberal, they are encouraged to think for themselves, instead of mindlessly following their parents. Hopefully we can actually progress to the point where all people will be equal, though I highly doubt it, as I feel if it would be go to quote the song "Everyone's a little bit racist."

I have lost faith in a lot of people now, and a lot of people have earned my respect of the topic. Someone who I thought would never be against it turned out to be as much against it as I am, and I now respect him a great deal.

As my mother and I were talking about it, "This is something we just can't let go, we have to fight it, we can't remove these peoples rights, I think you're right Sara (referring to an earlier conversation we had that will be elaborated on.) marriage should be abolished entirely, everyone should just have civil partnerships," that way no one would rant about the religious connotations, and everyone could be truly equal in this sense.

The only way prop 8 should have been truly legitimate is that if we added clauses to it that if a person got divorced, they weren't allowed to remarry, and that only people of a Christian and Catholic background should be allowed to marry, that would be the only way to protect traditional marriage.

So basically what I'm trying to say, in rather blunt and rude words is: If you vote yes on 8, you're a complete and utter douchebag and I don't feel as if you deserve the right to be a human, if you feel as you're better than all these other perfectly nice and respectful citizens, and definitely don't deserve the right to vote, you filthy and pathetic scum.

-A very angry giving of Peace.

Quotes of the week from a while ago:
-Like A Bolt From The Blue! It's Time For The Reaper Review!

-The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer.

-Alice came to a fork in the road. "Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."