
A less violent Hunger Games (I guess.)

I imagine this dream occurred because I finished The Hunger Games a few days ago, then have been musing about watching Battle Royal again.

From what I understand, the basic rules of the game is that there were two teams, 5v5, and each team had a bunch of information given to them and 15 questions that the other team had the answers to. If you managed to get the answers to all 15 questions,then combined it with your own knowledge then you could unlock untold riches. To get someone out of the games, there was no killing allowed but you were allowed to knock them unconscious where they would be suspended from the games for 36 hours, though some chose to make this is violent as possible to make the people returning useless.

I don't know how it all panned out, but I the first thing I remember is sitting in a large room talking to a bunch of old ladies about random goings on in life, when my teammate Mildred walks in and I ask her where our other teammate (whose name I don't recall other than it started with an M as well) was. Mildred told me she wasn't quite sure but she knew the other team decided to start taking hostages to try to get information out of us, and when they did, they'd replace the hostage and try to take another. The general setting appeared to be a large forest surrounded by mountains where you could look for caves.

This was probably not a good sign, so I took off while Mildred collected supplies from the old lady bunker. I found no sign of our other teammate but I did find three of the other team harassing my third teammate, Autumn, for information and slowly damaging her legs until she answered a question. To stop the torture, as I knew I couldn't take on three of them at once, I popped out from behind a tree and answered one of their questions, before standing in front of Autumn as a human shield. Luckily, Mildred managed to show up behind them and the leader of the group (who I shall call Jon, as you will see why in the next section) told his group to back down, and since we gave them some of the information willingly then he would release our teammate.

The other team, which consisted of a scrawny looking chick, a guy who vaguely resembled the guy who plays Jon Snow in Game of Thrones, and another guy who appeared to be Aldis Hodge (Hardison in Leverage). Their fourth teammate was probably guarding the hostage, and their fifth I had apparently rendered unconscious a few hours before finding the bunker. My fifth teammate was the only guy on our team and fit enough to be able to be useful, but that's all I recall about him.

My team regrouped, with Mildred and I helping Autumn walk, by a tree that vaguely reminded me of an Ent. After however long we had been playing, the opposing team had the answers to 6 of our questions, and we only had the answer to 4 of theirs. It was decided that I would go scout out a safer location to meet and see if I could find the other teams hide out. While hunting I ran across the guy who resembled Hardison on a rocky cliff side and there was a surprisingly dramatic battle that involved bo staffs and climbing on the rocks. We were evenly matched for the most part but when we were both exhausted, Hardison's teammates showed up and I, very quickly, became the hostage of the day.

The rest I remember involved being in a rather pleasant neck of the woods being questioned about the information and thinking it odd that the leader of the group was the one who was staying back.

No idea how it ended, if we won or not. I really wonder what would happen if you only got like, 25 of the 30 total clues and were able to find the location from that... would it be cheating?