
A Random Question

Not much to this post, other than realizing I haven't posted since last month (oops) and posing a question.

Did you notice that no one ever says something tastes beautiful? Can Beauty only be something someone sees? What about taste, touch, smell (I'm sure someone has said something smells beautiful before) or hearing...? Think of something that you think is beautiful in a different sense and get back to me, would be fun to think about.

-Peace, I'll post more when its not 1:32 in the morning, Jetskiing wore me out.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I think a lot of unconventional things are beautiful. I think the color that butter turns right before it burns and turns a deep black color is beautiful.

I also think that very wore shoes are beautiful.

And old books.

And people that most people wouldn't think are "pretty" as beautiful.

Neurotic men, shoulders, pale people, freckles, and Indian men and women.

I agree with you though, why are only sights and smells beautiful but nothing beautiful to the touch or tastes.