So, while doing my spanish essays, I decided it might be a bright idea to just translate a dream I had written down. So I used the dream from the post "to dream a dream"
It translated to this from Babel Fish....
"Anoche (o esta mañana, mientras que me fui a la cama en el 2:30) tenía un sueño que conducía un microbus de VW con solamente un asiento (asiento de conductores), mientras que había dos hombres en el trasero teniendo sexo. Y para evitar un poli, como ellos weren' t me abrochó adentro fue derecho un camino en vez del torneado a la izquierda, sobre un camino llamado ' terror road' (guau… cómo hoja de metal). A este punto a tiempo los dos en la parte posterior habían parado su tiempo atractivo y se inclinaban sobre mi hombro, precisando yo fueron sobre un camino abandonado llamado ' terror road'. Realicé que esto era probablemente un error estúpido y veared del camino un pedacito así que podría dar vuelta alrededor. Los Gopher nos rodeamos repentinamente que eran al parecer hacia fuera conseguirnos, pero que era yo, no quiso dañar los Gopher. Intenté tan maniobrar alrededor de ellos, de que que conseguía solamente los tres de nosotros más lejos lejos del camino en el área del desierto. Los Gopher habían desaparecido, así que salimos del microbus y comenzamos a caminar, y repentinamente las ovejas comenzadas para venir en nosotros y para intentar atacarnos. I' m no sure cómo, solamente terminamos para arriba con las pipas y los palillos para defenderlos… de alguna manera de hacer nuestra manera hasta la tapa de la montaña donde estaba el coche de deportes dado vuelta microbus… Las ovejas guardaron el intentar hacer su manera encima de la montaña junto con dos otros individuos al azar. Guardamos el golpear de las ovejas del acantilado, ellas que morían una vez que golpearon la tierra, solamente más ovejas que aparecían, y los individuos que venían apagado nosotros golpearon apagado también, solamente ellos acaban de mantener el volverse estropeado y más zombi-como. En un punto a tiempo, al defender a partir del now zombi-como individuos mi teléfono celular consiguió realmente lanzado del acantilado también, estaba muy triste. Derrotamos de alguna manera todos, después los tres de nosotros consiguieron en el coche de deportes del now (yo que conduce otra vez, no sure porqué) y condujeron abajo de la colina (que asombrosamente didn' el daño de t el coche), en la parte inferior, todos los cadáveres parecía haber desaparecido y mi teléfono celular estaba allí. Lo cogí y estaba en condiciones perfectas, señal y todos… y entonces desperté."
I then put that back into and it ended at this...
"Last night (or this morning, while I went me to the bed in the 2:30) had a dream that conducted a microbus of VW with only a seat (driver's seat), while there were two men in the rear one having sex. And to avoid a cop, like they weren' t clasped me inside was right a road instead of the turning to the left, on a called road 'terror road' (bow-wow… how leaf of metal). To this point to time the two in the subsequent part had stopped their attractive time and they inclined on my shoulder, needing I they were on a road abandoned call 'terror road'. I carried out that this was probably a stupid error and veared of the road a bit so would be able to give return around. The Gopher we surround us suddenly that were apparently toward was to obtain us, but that was I, did not want to damage the Gopher. I tried so to maneuver around them, that that obtained only the three of us further far from the road in the area of the desert. The Gopher had disappeared, so we leave the microbus and we begin to walk, and suddenly the sheep begun to come in us and for try to attack us. I 'm not sure how, only we finish for up with the pipes and the toothpicks to defend them… of some way to do our way to the cover of the mountain where was the return given sports car microbus… The sheep kept the to try to do their way over the mountain along with two other individuals at random. We keep the to strike of the sheep of the cliff, they that morían once struck the land, only more sheep than appeared, and the individuals that came dull we struck dull also, only they have just maintained the to be returned damaged and more zombie-as. In a point to time, upon defending from the now zombie-as individuals my cell phone obtained really launched of the cliff also, was very sad. We defeat of some way all, later the three of us obtained in the car of sports of the now (I that conducts again, not sure reason) and they conducted below the hill (that amazingly didn' the damage of t the car), in the lower part, all the corpses seemed to have disappeared and my cell phone was there. I caught him and was in perfect conditions, sign and all… and then I awoke."
Nikki and I found this to be the funniest shit ever.
Es Todo.
A Little Thought...
For those who have read this already... Theres been an addition... Though I doubt many have read this as its been posted for like two hours... haha
First of all... Ewww, two posts in one day, but I needa save this.
"The world has been decimated by a male-gender specific virus. All the men are dead or at least infertile.
Only woman remain. And humans have to reproduce using lab-assisted methods (one egg's nucleus implanted into another egg).
What do you think the world will be like?
My belief is that a subset of women will start taking on masculine traits. Wars, genocides will at first be reduced, but eventually be revamped to their previous level.
The only thing that might be much decreased is rate of rape and sexual violence, especially in war.
However, rates of lying and theft will increase."
A post from /r9k/, which is a great place... like /b/ without the aids.
I've found another post from /r9k/ from a thread about fantasies.
"My fiance and I tell little stories to each other all the time, about what things will be like when we're married and older and have children. Sort of a shared fantasy world.
A big beautiful house with blue shutters on the windows, and a skylight in the living room so we can lie in the blankets on the floor at night after sex and watch the stars. An apple tree in the backyard specifically designated for reading under - if anyone in the family is at that tree, they're to be left alone. Callers on the phone are told to call back later. A bed with curtains around it and a lot of pillows so we can make a fort. He'll go back to culinary school and we'll make elaborate meals together, and I'll bake desserts all the time. We'll always have homemade wines from his brother in the house, and we'll have a huge bathtub, the kind that's so big that it has a little set of steps going down into it, and we can spend all day in there drinking and listening to music. A balcony covered in plants - lots of herbs for the food we make. We'll stay up too late every night and fall asleep all over the house, and take turns making each other coffee in the morning. A typewriter in the bedroom (although we've decided there's no writing or reading in bed... because then we'd never get around to sex, it'd always be, "Let's bone!" "NO I'm finishing this chapter first.") Incense everywhere. Long curtains that blow around when the windows are open. A flat roof so we can sit up there and look around at the world.
I know nobody's going to read this, or care, but sometimes, robots, you just need to think about the days beyond these, you know? Sometimes it's nice to tell a pretty story about when you won't have to struggle for money or deal with terrible situations. It's nice to look at someone you love and say, "Someday I won't ever have to fall asleep sad, because you will always be next to me." It's nice to believe in that. Just for a little bit."
That makes you think a bit. I've never really thought of a true fantasy. Will have to think on it. Anyone have any real interesting ones? If I think of one that really sticks out. I'll post it.
also, An amusing video for people
First of all... Ewww, two posts in one day, but I needa save this.
"The world has been decimated by a male-gender specific virus. All the men are dead or at least infertile.
Only woman remain. And humans have to reproduce using lab-assisted methods (one egg's nucleus implanted into another egg).
What do you think the world will be like?
My belief is that a subset of women will start taking on masculine traits. Wars, genocides will at first be reduced, but eventually be revamped to their previous level.
The only thing that might be much decreased is rate of rape and sexual violence, especially in war.
However, rates of lying and theft will increase."
A post from /r9k/, which is a great place... like /b/ without the aids.
I've found another post from /r9k/ from a thread about fantasies.
"My fiance and I tell little stories to each other all the time, about what things will be like when we're married and older and have children. Sort of a shared fantasy world.
A big beautiful house with blue shutters on the windows, and a skylight in the living room so we can lie in the blankets on the floor at night after sex and watch the stars. An apple tree in the backyard specifically designated for reading under - if anyone in the family is at that tree, they're to be left alone. Callers on the phone are told to call back later. A bed with curtains around it and a lot of pillows so we can make a fort. He'll go back to culinary school and we'll make elaborate meals together, and I'll bake desserts all the time. We'll always have homemade wines from his brother in the house, and we'll have a huge bathtub, the kind that's so big that it has a little set of steps going down into it, and we can spend all day in there drinking and listening to music. A balcony covered in plants - lots of herbs for the food we make. We'll stay up too late every night and fall asleep all over the house, and take turns making each other coffee in the morning. A typewriter in the bedroom (although we've decided there's no writing or reading in bed... because then we'd never get around to sex, it'd always be, "Let's bone!" "NO I'm finishing this chapter first.") Incense everywhere. Long curtains that blow around when the windows are open. A flat roof so we can sit up there and look around at the world.
I know nobody's going to read this, or care, but sometimes, robots, you just need to think about the days beyond these, you know? Sometimes it's nice to tell a pretty story about when you won't have to struggle for money or deal with terrible situations. It's nice to look at someone you love and say, "Someday I won't ever have to fall asleep sad, because you will always be next to me." It's nice to believe in that. Just for a little bit."
That makes you think a bit. I've never really thought of a true fantasy. Will have to think on it. Anyone have any real interesting ones? If I think of one that really sticks out. I'll post it.
also, An amusing video for people
We're off to see the Wizard.
New Quotes of the Week. Previous Weeks at the Bottom of this Post.
So, it's a momentous day, as I have finally seen the Wizard of Oz.
I must say, it was a really Ridiculous movie, but thats alright, because I found it really funny and enjoyed it.
This weekend I haven't really done anything except for rip the bleach musicals off youtube and watch them, as well as the backstages. They are really amusing. Especially because my favorite character's actor is REALLY hot. Actually, most of them are really hot, but thats besides the point.
Also, yesterday I did nothing but watch horror movies all day yesterday. Thats the reason I decided that the weekend before Halloween I'm going to have a horror movie party at my house once it gets dark. Tell me if you'd like to come to that. Though I do still have to okay it with my parents.
Wicked is on Wednesday, I can't wait. It seems like its going to be a very musical week.
Previous Quotes:
"We all live to die laughing."
- "Why don't you smile?"
- "The question is, Why do you choose to?"
Eat till you're full.
Play anytime you want.
Sleep as much as you like.
Cry. Get angry. Laugh.
Live. Live. Live.
So, it's a momentous day, as I have finally seen the Wizard of Oz.
I must say, it was a really Ridiculous movie, but thats alright, because I found it really funny and enjoyed it.
This weekend I haven't really done anything except for rip the bleach musicals off youtube and watch them, as well as the backstages. They are really amusing. Especially because my favorite character's actor is REALLY hot. Actually, most of them are really hot, but thats besides the point.
Also, yesterday I did nothing but watch horror movies all day yesterday. Thats the reason I decided that the weekend before Halloween I'm going to have a horror movie party at my house once it gets dark. Tell me if you'd like to come to that. Though I do still have to okay it with my parents.
Wicked is on Wednesday, I can't wait. It seems like its going to be a very musical week.
Previous Quotes:
"We all live to die laughing."
- "Why don't you smile?"
- "The question is, Why do you choose to?"
Eat till you're full.
Play anytime you want.
Sleep as much as you like.
Cry. Get angry. Laugh.
Live. Live. Live.
Random thoughts on a Random day.
First, a list of things I wish I could do on a daily basis, but I can't due to location location location.
-I wish I could climb trees... when I lived in Virginia we lived across the street from a forest, I don't remember much, but I could sure as hell climb those trees now.
-Take a hike in the woods. You know, a nice shady trip with the sound of the forest/woods around you, green everywhere, perhaps a lake.
-Wade through a river, or heck, just walk next to a river, perhaps put my feet in the water, stand in the river, or sit on a bridge and go fishing.
-lie on the grass and stare at the sky, just to think. Can't do that here, too many people, the weather is never nice enough, and the Grass isn't pleasant where we actually have it.
-Walk places, I greatly wish I lived in the downtown areas of a city, where everything was walking distance from me, and there were interesting people, and interesting stores.
This list could go on, but those are some of the main points.
I've started to think that a person without emotions would probably be smarter (of a higher intelligence?) than a person who is weighed down with emotions. Without these emotions clouding their thoughts then they'd have a more logical mindset and would be able to correctly weigh the importance of things in situations. Of course, this probably means they'd be horridly socially awkward, but they wouldn't have the need for any social companionship as talking to people wouldn't bring them any emotion they didn't have.
While realizing this, there was a snag in my logic... I thought... "why would they want to be smart, what would make them go on." Caitlin helped me through this. We decided that in this day in age, with almost any type of upbringing the person would feel an obligation; not fueled by any emotions, needing no motivation, to succeed in life, in the materialistic sort of the world.
Thats all I have for now, I will think on this more...
Last random thought:
I realized why I could never bring myself to ask a guy out...
I don't see why anyone would like a person like me in that type of way, thats why I always find people who have crushes on me absolutely nuts, and ask if they were dared when they tell me this... Which means that if I told the guy that I liked him, I'd be struck down with disappointment (that I'd luckily be prepared for). On the offhand chance he did say that he liked me back, I wouldn't feel if that was a truly genuine like, but as if the guy felt guilty for someone as strange as me liking him, and would say that just so as to not hurt my feelings. And then the last part is, that if I ever stopped liking the guy, or we got in an argument, I wouldn't be able to brake up with him. I'd feel that to be a bit too mean, and just try to get him to not like me instead... I think I'll just stick to the planned life of being a crazy cat lady.
P.S. I need this room.
-I wish I could climb trees... when I lived in Virginia we lived across the street from a forest, I don't remember much, but I could sure as hell climb those trees now.
-Take a hike in the woods. You know, a nice shady trip with the sound of the forest/woods around you, green everywhere, perhaps a lake.
-Wade through a river, or heck, just walk next to a river, perhaps put my feet in the water, stand in the river, or sit on a bridge and go fishing.
-lie on the grass and stare at the sky, just to think. Can't do that here, too many people, the weather is never nice enough, and the Grass isn't pleasant where we actually have it.
-Walk places, I greatly wish I lived in the downtown areas of a city, where everything was walking distance from me, and there were interesting people, and interesting stores.
This list could go on, but those are some of the main points.
I've started to think that a person without emotions would probably be smarter (of a higher intelligence?) than a person who is weighed down with emotions. Without these emotions clouding their thoughts then they'd have a more logical mindset and would be able to correctly weigh the importance of things in situations. Of course, this probably means they'd be horridly socially awkward, but they wouldn't have the need for any social companionship as talking to people wouldn't bring them any emotion they didn't have.
While realizing this, there was a snag in my logic... I thought... "why would they want to be smart, what would make them go on." Caitlin helped me through this. We decided that in this day in age, with almost any type of upbringing the person would feel an obligation; not fueled by any emotions, needing no motivation, to succeed in life, in the materialistic sort of the world.
Thats all I have for now, I will think on this more...
Last random thought:
I realized why I could never bring myself to ask a guy out...
I don't see why anyone would like a person like me in that type of way, thats why I always find people who have crushes on me absolutely nuts, and ask if they were dared when they tell me this... Which means that if I told the guy that I liked him, I'd be struck down with disappointment (that I'd luckily be prepared for). On the offhand chance he did say that he liked me back, I wouldn't feel if that was a truly genuine like, but as if the guy felt guilty for someone as strange as me liking him, and would say that just so as to not hurt my feelings. And then the last part is, that if I ever stopped liking the guy, or we got in an argument, I wouldn't be able to brake up with him. I'd feel that to be a bit too mean, and just try to get him to not like me instead... I think I'll just stick to the planned life of being a crazy cat lady.
P.S. I need this room.

To Dream a Dream
First: I added a new part to my blog... the Quote(s) of the week
Dreams, My dreams are always really strange... And tend to have Zombies in them, but thats another story... That most people probably already know.
Two dreams recently, both rather odd...
In the First dream on... Friday night all it consisted of was me in my art class painting Cloud's police baton for my cosplay with brown spray paint, then when I was done I went home to paint my toenails, wonder if this means I want to paint something.
Last night (or this morning, as I went to bed at 2:30) I had a dream that I was driving a VW microbus with only one seat(drivers seat), while there were two men in the back having sex. And to avoid a cop, as they weren't buckled in I went straight on a road instead of turning left, onto a road called 'terror road' (wow... how lame). At this point in time the two in the back had stopped their sexy time and were leaning over my shoulder, pointing out I went onto a deserted road called 'terror road'. I realized this was probably a stupid mistake and veared off the road a bit so I could turn around. Suddenly we were surrounded by gophers that were apparently out to get us, but me being me, did not want to harm the gophers. So I tried to maneuver around them, that only getting the three of us farther away from the road in the desert area. The gophers had disappeared, so we got out of the microbus and started walking, and suddenly sheep started to come at us and try to attack us. I'm not sure how, but we ended up with pipes and sticks to defend them off... somehow making our way up to the top of the mountain where the microbus turned sports car was... The sheep kept trying to make their way up the mountain along with two other random guys. We kept hitting the sheep off the cliff, them dieing once they hit the ground, but more sheep appearing, and the guys that were coming off we hit off also, but they just kept coming back more battered and more zombie-like. At one point in time, when defending from the now Really zombie-like guys my cell phone got launched off the cliff too, I was very sad. Somehow we defeated all of them, then the three of us got into the now sports car (me driving again, not sure why) and drove down the hill (which surprisingly didn't damage the car), at the bottom, all the dead bodies seemed to have disappeared and my cell phone was there. I picked it up and it was in perfect condition, signal and all... and then I woke up.
Also, on another note. I have roughly $72 in change on my desk.
and, on Friday, I ate a salt and vinegar flavored cricket (far too salty for my tastes), as well as a cheddar flavored meal worm(i think?), Courtesy of Yohan.
Dreams, My dreams are always really strange... And tend to have Zombies in them, but thats another story... That most people probably already know.
Two dreams recently, both rather odd...
In the First dream on... Friday night all it consisted of was me in my art class painting Cloud's police baton for my cosplay with brown spray paint, then when I was done I went home to paint my toenails, wonder if this means I want to paint something.
Last night (or this morning, as I went to bed at 2:30) I had a dream that I was driving a VW microbus with only one seat(drivers seat), while there were two men in the back having sex. And to avoid a cop, as they weren't buckled in I went straight on a road instead of turning left, onto a road called 'terror road' (wow... how lame). At this point in time the two in the back had stopped their sexy time and were leaning over my shoulder, pointing out I went onto a deserted road called 'terror road'. I realized this was probably a stupid mistake and veared off the road a bit so I could turn around. Suddenly we were surrounded by gophers that were apparently out to get us, but me being me, did not want to harm the gophers. So I tried to maneuver around them, that only getting the three of us farther away from the road in the desert area. The gophers had disappeared, so we got out of the microbus and started walking, and suddenly sheep started to come at us and try to attack us. I'm not sure how, but we ended up with pipes and sticks to defend them off... somehow making our way up to the top of the mountain where the microbus turned sports car was... The sheep kept trying to make their way up the mountain along with two other random guys. We kept hitting the sheep off the cliff, them dieing once they hit the ground, but more sheep appearing, and the guys that were coming off we hit off also, but they just kept coming back more battered and more zombie-like. At one point in time, when defending from the now Really zombie-like guys my cell phone got launched off the cliff too, I was very sad. Somehow we defeated all of them, then the three of us got into the now sports car (me driving again, not sure why) and drove down the hill (which surprisingly didn't damage the car), at the bottom, all the dead bodies seemed to have disappeared and my cell phone was there. I picked it up and it was in perfect condition, signal and all... and then I woke up.
Also, on another note. I have roughly $72 in change on my desk.
and, on Friday, I ate a salt and vinegar flavored cricket (far too salty for my tastes), as well as a cheddar flavored meal worm(i think?), Courtesy of Yohan.
Take me out to the Ball Game
...And Six Flags
...And Friends Houses
...And another Ball Game
First note before I rant about random shit thats happened within the past week is... I STILL HAVEN'T GONE IN SPANISH!!! WOOO!!!
... alright, over with that.
So on Friday after school I drove an hour a way to Six Flags with Paige, Woody, Nikki and Michelle (a celebration of Michelle's birthday, I hope you had a good time, even though we forced you to go on Deja Vu)
My mom gets uber-awesome points as it was for a private party. The most we had to wait in line was ten minutes for Tatsu... and we got in the front car. After you get into the front car of that, you'll never want to be in any other car, it was amazing.
Woody and I were the only ones who went on X2, it was scary as shit but a blast.
Overall, the day was REALLY epic, Seriously amazing, Even if I did have to drive...
Saturday was rather random. Woody had spent the night after the MM trip, we woke up at noonish, and then I spent the rest of the day vegging on the computer until my parents decided that we NEEDED to go to a Jethawks game this year. The Jethawks lost, it was rather sad. I bought a game on my cell phone and played that most of the time instead of watching the game.
Immediately following the game I went to Grace's house, and we stayed up until 3 AM talking about random things.
Don't remember what I did on Sunday AT ALL, Was I at Nikki's? Perhaps... I vaguely remember watching Saiyuki, but that could also have been on Monday. Which I don't remember either
Tuesday was Taco Tuesday, exciting as always, Restarted .hack//G.U. and then Went to Nikki's to spend the night(as the Hadron Collider was started up,) and watch more Saiyuki.
Today... Was random. I fell asleep after school and woke up to my mom being pissed off because I was napping, And somehow my dad appeared home, So we went off to ANOTHER Jethawks game.
The Jethawks game... I must say, that was exciting, random, and hilarious. On the way to the game my parents decided we needed to stop at Party city to see if they sold cowbells, bought three and some batman pencils to hit them with, then off to the game! The game was exciting, we were sitting next to Storm supporters and the entire time it was a 'who could be louder' competition. Jethawks won by the way, they are now the Californian southern league champions, the complete state league championships starting on Saturday... or Friday. I also was hit on by an overly-cocky 12 year old -_-, and then There was this guy sitting behind us, with the weirdest taunts ever. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE SWINGING THAT SPATULA, COOKIE" and such like that.
Anyway, I can't remember all the details because I'm exhausted... Its being a tireing week.
...And Friends Houses
...And another Ball Game
First note before I rant about random shit thats happened within the past week is... I STILL HAVEN'T GONE IN SPANISH!!! WOOO!!!
... alright, over with that.
So on Friday after school I drove an hour a way to Six Flags with Paige, Woody, Nikki and Michelle (a celebration of Michelle's birthday, I hope you had a good time, even though we forced you to go on Deja Vu)
My mom gets uber-awesome points as it was for a private party. The most we had to wait in line was ten minutes for Tatsu... and we got in the front car. After you get into the front car of that, you'll never want to be in any other car, it was amazing.
Woody and I were the only ones who went on X2, it was scary as shit but a blast.
Overall, the day was REALLY epic, Seriously amazing, Even if I did have to drive...
Saturday was rather random. Woody had spent the night after the MM trip, we woke up at noonish, and then I spent the rest of the day vegging on the computer until my parents decided that we NEEDED to go to a Jethawks game this year. The Jethawks lost, it was rather sad. I bought a game on my cell phone and played that most of the time instead of watching the game.
Immediately following the game I went to Grace's house, and we stayed up until 3 AM talking about random things.
Don't remember what I did on Sunday AT ALL, Was I at Nikki's? Perhaps... I vaguely remember watching Saiyuki, but that could also have been on Monday. Which I don't remember either
Tuesday was Taco Tuesday, exciting as always, Restarted .hack//G.U. and then Went to Nikki's to spend the night(as the Hadron Collider was started up,) and watch more Saiyuki.
Today... Was random. I fell asleep after school and woke up to my mom being pissed off because I was napping, And somehow my dad appeared home, So we went off to ANOTHER Jethawks game.
The Jethawks game... I must say, that was exciting, random, and hilarious. On the way to the game my parents decided we needed to stop at Party city to see if they sold cowbells, bought three and some batman pencils to hit them with, then off to the game! The game was exciting, we were sitting next to Storm supporters and the entire time it was a 'who could be louder' competition. Jethawks won by the way, they are now the Californian southern league champions, the complete state league championships starting on Saturday... or Friday. I also was hit on by an overly-cocky 12 year old -_-, and then There was this guy sitting behind us, with the weirdest taunts ever. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE SWINGING THAT SPATULA, COOKIE" and such like that.
Anyway, I can't remember all the details because I'm exhausted... Its being a tireing week.
On Explaining Anime: It's just kind of weird.
I've noticed that whenever I try to explain anime, I get really strange looks. Of course, Anime being anime, it is rather strange, but when you don't know the context of anything it just sounds WEIRD, while the anime itself could actually be rather philosophical.
For Example, Saiyuki:

four guys on a journey west to stop a youkai invasion. All right, sounds pretty normal right there, for a manga. Then you start talking about how they used to live in heaven 500 years ago, how ones a monkey king, one of the gods is a hermaphrodite and theres a dragon that changes into a Jeep. This is where you start to get weird looks (if you weren't already because you were talking about anime/manga in the first place.) But disregarding these... slightly strange facts, the manga overall is actually generally awesome. A lot of action, no women (yes! well, there are two main ones, but they're evil, kinda...), rather anti-climatic moments, but also rather deep moments, and really interesting quotes that just make you think.
Another Example, Katekyo Hitman Reborn:

Alright, I admit, this one isn't very deep, but it is VERY hard to explain without looking like a lunatic. The main characters are a 13 year old boy who isn't good at ANYTHING, and a 5 year old hitman with a chameleon that changes into a gun who has to teach the 13 year old to be a mafia boss. Now, this already sounds really strange, but to teach the kid, the 5 year old shoots him in the head to activate his 'dieing will' mode, where all his clothes ('cept his boxers) get ripped off and he has to fight with his, well... dieing will. This is just the start of the crazy. Few other examples is ANOTHER 5 year old hitman (kinda, hes actually pretty useless) who has a bazooka that, when hit with it, the person trades place with their future selves (10 years to be exact). As well as the 13 year olds entire 'family' being complete nutters. Theres no real... Deep point to this, but it is rather amusing.
But people often get turned off by some of these explanations, when really, I think that just kind of makes the thought of watching/reading it a bit more interesting to see what the HELL They are talking about.
So the moral of this rant is... trying to explain fantasy things without the person having at least a bit of an idea about what you're are talking about makes you sound like a lunatic...
Also, a Comic that makes me think of what a relationship I'd be in would be like.

P.S. I STILL haven't bought overalls...
For Example, Saiyuki:

four guys on a journey west to stop a youkai invasion. All right, sounds pretty normal right there, for a manga. Then you start talking about how they used to live in heaven 500 years ago, how ones a monkey king, one of the gods is a hermaphrodite and theres a dragon that changes into a Jeep. This is where you start to get weird looks (if you weren't already because you were talking about anime/manga in the first place.) But disregarding these... slightly strange facts, the manga overall is actually generally awesome. A lot of action, no women (yes! well, there are two main ones, but they're evil, kinda...), rather anti-climatic moments, but also rather deep moments, and really interesting quotes that just make you think.
Another Example, Katekyo Hitman Reborn:

Alright, I admit, this one isn't very deep, but it is VERY hard to explain without looking like a lunatic. The main characters are a 13 year old boy who isn't good at ANYTHING, and a 5 year old hitman with a chameleon that changes into a gun who has to teach the 13 year old to be a mafia boss. Now, this already sounds really strange, but to teach the kid, the 5 year old shoots him in the head to activate his 'dieing will' mode, where all his clothes ('cept his boxers) get ripped off and he has to fight with his, well... dieing will. This is just the start of the crazy. Few other examples is ANOTHER 5 year old hitman (kinda, hes actually pretty useless) who has a bazooka that, when hit with it, the person trades place with their future selves (10 years to be exact). As well as the 13 year olds entire 'family' being complete nutters. Theres no real... Deep point to this, but it is rather amusing.
But people often get turned off by some of these explanations, when really, I think that just kind of makes the thought of watching/reading it a bit more interesting to see what the HELL They are talking about.
So the moral of this rant is... trying to explain fantasy things without the person having at least a bit of an idea about what you're are talking about makes you sound like a lunatic...
Also, a Comic that makes me think of what a relationship I'd be in would be like.

P.S. I STILL haven't bought overalls...
Labor Day Weekend
Labor Day weekend, and Tuesday also I guess... Of Fun times and Illnesses
Grace and I went down to Little Tokyo, Missed the first train because people are freaking RETARDED, got the second one though and had a blast. I enjoyed the metro, mainly because I like the feeling of things moving, Trains, Cars, Planes, that sorts. Unfortunately on the way there is when I first started to get the head crushing, ears hurting sickness feeling.
Ended up spending 150 bucks on art books, a pocket watch, some presents for friends, dinner/lunch thing (had chicken at a Ramen place, Kerwin highly disapproved), a deck of cards (Saiyuki ones, they're kickass) and rather random stuff like that.
On the way home, we talked to really random people (a family of 4 and this really awesome stoner/raver girl.)for over half the train ride. Then, about 20 minutes before the metro trip was over, three people (of the eight anime nerds Grace and I had seen walking around Little Tokyo all day) walked up to us and were like, "So, We noticed you guys like anime" and started a conversation that lasted for a while in the metro station parking lot. Turns out they were AVC students who have a monthly anime club that we'd been invited to, (also, they thought we were AVC students, getting us the quote "NO ONE LOOKS THEIR AGE ANYMORE!") and one of them (guy who was a B-tard also) was really hot.
I mostly just lazed around most of the day, starting to feel ill but ignoring it until my mom forced me to take medicine right before I went to Michelle's for her birthday. We went to olive garden, went swimming and had an overall awesome time. Too bad my head started killing me and I had to go home early. Sadpanda.
Monday & Tuesday:
Ill, Very ill, didn't get much done either of these days. Had to do Physics that Caitlin brought me (Much thanks for that) and then study for a Spanish test. Didn't really retain any of the information from that. Gonna go to school tomorrow, take the tests anyway because I hate having to retake tests, its just annoying and time consuming. Anyway, Hope the tests go well and Illnesses go away.
P.S. So, have 5 presentations to write and memorize by Thursday. that'll be a blast
Grace and I went down to Little Tokyo, Missed the first train because people are freaking RETARDED, got the second one though and had a blast. I enjoyed the metro, mainly because I like the feeling of things moving, Trains, Cars, Planes, that sorts. Unfortunately on the way there is when I first started to get the head crushing, ears hurting sickness feeling.
Ended up spending 150 bucks on art books, a pocket watch, some presents for friends, dinner/lunch thing (had chicken at a Ramen place, Kerwin highly disapproved), a deck of cards (Saiyuki ones, they're kickass) and rather random stuff like that.
On the way home, we talked to really random people (a family of 4 and this really awesome stoner/raver girl.)for over half the train ride. Then, about 20 minutes before the metro trip was over, three people (of the eight anime nerds Grace and I had seen walking around Little Tokyo all day) walked up to us and were like, "So, We noticed you guys like anime" and started a conversation that lasted for a while in the metro station parking lot. Turns out they were AVC students who have a monthly anime club that we'd been invited to, (also, they thought we were AVC students, getting us the quote "NO ONE LOOKS THEIR AGE ANYMORE!") and one of them (guy who was a B-tard also) was really hot.
I mostly just lazed around most of the day, starting to feel ill but ignoring it until my mom forced me to take medicine right before I went to Michelle's for her birthday. We went to olive garden, went swimming and had an overall awesome time. Too bad my head started killing me and I had to go home early. Sadpanda.
Monday & Tuesday:
Ill, Very ill, didn't get much done either of these days. Had to do Physics that Caitlin brought me (Much thanks for that) and then study for a Spanish test. Didn't really retain any of the information from that. Gonna go to school tomorrow, take the tests anyway because I hate having to retake tests, its just annoying and time consuming. Anyway, Hope the tests go well and Illnesses go away.
P.S. So, have 5 presentations to write and memorize by Thursday. that'll be a blast
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